Kolda Development Foundation is a tax-exempt 501c3 international not for profit organization founded in Boston, Massachusetts, USA by natives of Kolda, Senegal. KDF promotes citizen participation, self-empowerment, social and environmental justice, economic inclusion and gender equality.
The original idea of establishing KDF was born out of an observation of remarkable poverty and social injustice. 77.5% of the Kolda populace are classified as poor.
# Kolda Inhabitants in 2019
Fund raised
Children Helped
Volunteers Worldwide
Empower vulnerable and marginalized people through advocacy, research, and sustainable development programs
Development and advocacy programs to promote equal rights, equitable distribution of wealth and access to public services, economic and social inclusion of women and people with disabilities.
Build strong outcome-focused partnerships with all stakeholders (municipalities, grassroots community organizations, development agencies, NGOs …) to achieve sustainable development goals.
48 Rockingham Rd
Boston, MA 02126
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